crying...eeee...don't laa...(scared of u d laa)

brotherrs...hehe..jia shen and jian shen

1 ....erica brought lil bro and jian shen over early morning today..
it was so early..and i slept 2 something last night..so tired.everyday
is a tired day to me..due to all the work i do..working at swensenss...
2. i don't wanna do closing d laa...really super tiring..
3. fandi...don't force me to do so much anymore please...
4. and THANK YOU LIM ZHENG HAN for everything..
5. thank you Mr.choo for changing the time for me(again)
6. i don't care..u cannot go both placess!
thts all for now..hee=) don't hv much time infront of the computer these a days..but working at swensens is fun...at times..hee=) makes me feel tht my holiday is great ...i haven done any studying though..i want to..but hee..tht will wait.hahaha.cousins coming back next friday..ooo..can't wait to see wad and how they are now...
bye ppl!..
jo ee sigining off.
mashed potato=kentang lenyek(haha)
and lim senior is cuter then lim junior msa!(david agreeed!)=)